9 October 1968

(Senate Minute pages: 356-368)

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday October 9, 1968, in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union, Senate President D. Halkola presiding.

The roll was taken. 27 members were present. Members absent were Boyd, Hennessy, Lucier, Caspary. (see Appendix A for 1968-69 Senate Membership [Available by request from the Senate Office]).

Election of Senate Officers

G. Bahrman reported on the Nominating Committee and the following nominations were made:

President: W.M. Bredekamp and R.L. Hennessy
Vice President: O.D. Boutilier and R.D. Patterson
Secretary: F.H. Erbisch and G.P. Krueger

(There were no nominations from the floor)

Members of the Nominating Committee tabulated the election ballots and declared the winners:

President: M.W. Bredekamp
Vice President: O.D. Boutilier
Secretary: G.P. Krueger

Following the Nominating Committee's report, Halkola relinquished the chair to President Bredekamp.

The minutes of Meeting No. 40 were approved as previously distributed.

Old Business

  1. Report from the Senate Procedural Committee, W. Barstow, reporting for this committee, submitted the following document:

    October 9, 1968

    1. The Committee has previously presented (Senate Minutes 337-341) the following preliminary materials:
      1. Commentary on present Senate procedural requirements.
      2. Analysis of the meaning of present procedures.
    2. The Committee, in the light of these studies, has considered three alternatives from which the Senate reasonably might select for the purpose of reducing procedural confusions:
      1. Institute educational measures directed toward a more thorough understanding of present by-laws (see 1.b. above)
      2. Repeal Senate By-Laws 5 and 6 (Senate minutes 255) and conform to Robert's Rules of Order in the processing of all motions.
      3. Define restrictively the word "proposal" as used in Senate By-Laws 5 and 6.
    3. Of the above three alternatives, the Committee believes that 2.c. most nearly reflects past views of many members of the Senate.
    4. Accordingly, the Committee will move the following:

      That the word "proposal" as used in Senate By-Laws 5 and 6 (Senate minutes 255) shall be construed to comprise only those formally moved Senate actions involving major considerations, such as (a) recommendations to University Administration, (b) measures affecting organization or primary procedures of the Senate, (c) formal definitions of Senate policy, or (d) establishment of Senate standing committees.

      That the word "proposal" as used in Senate By-Laws 5 and 6, shall be construed to exclude all operative motions and actions pursuant to the normal routine of a deliberative body, such as (a) moving appointment of, appointing, approving, or discharging ad hoc committees, (b) requesting, hearing, or accepting business and committee reports, (c) the volunteering or entertaining of fair comment by members of the Senate, or (d) any discussion or other disposition of motions which does not purport to effectuate major Senate considerations, similar to the examples of the preceding paragraph.

      And that, in the event of question, the presiding officer of the Senate shall be empowered to rule, subject to usual parliamentary controls, whether or not a motion constitutes a "proposal" within the meaning of Senate By-laws 5 and 6 as construed herein.

Donald G. Yerg, Chairman
George E. Bahrman
William E. Barstow

The report of the Senate Procedural Committee was accepted by voice vote without dissent.

  1. Sabbatical Leave, President Smith reported that the Board of Control had taken action on amendments to the sabbatical leave policy as follows:

    "It was recommended by the Senate, approved by the President, and forwarded to the Board of Control for approval that the sabbatical leave policy previously approved by the Board of Control be amended to insert the word "Academic" before the word "Faculty" where it occurs and to delete the word "General" where it precedes the word "Faculty" so that the new policy for Sabbatical Leave would read as follows:


I. General Policy

The policy of granting sabbatical leaves of absence is intended for the mutual benefit of the institution and the person granted such a leave. Sabbatical leaves may be granted academic faculty members in order to provide a period of creative activity for the purpose of furthering professional competence. The granting of such leave will in no case be automatic, and each request for sabbatical leave will be judged on its own merits.

II. Types of Leave

  1. Any member of the academic faculty of Michigan Technological University who has served for six years* may apply for a year's leave of absence on no more than half pay.
  2. Any person receiving sabbatical leave must agree to return to his position for the following year, with such exceptions as the President of the University may permit.

III. Procedure

  1. A committee on sabbatical leave shall be established. It shall consist of five members of the academic faculty appointed by the President of the University.
  2. The applicant for sabbatical leave shall prepare a detailed description of his program for research, study, or other activities that he proposes to conduct during his period of absence. He shall present his request for leave to his Department Head or immediate supervisor, who shall transmit it, with his comments, to the committee on sabbatical leave.
  3. The committee on sabbatical leave shall screen, scrutinize, and make recommendations to the President on all applications for sabbatical leave. The committee on sabbatical leave shall make an annual report to the Senate, including any policy changes that seem desirable.

IV. Money from Outside Sources

Academic faculty members on sabbatical leave of absence may receive money from fellowships, grants, or other sources. In their application for sabbatical leave, they shall record the amount and source of money they expect to receive from outside sources.

*The definition of a year depends on the academic faculty member's terms of employment. For those on a 9-month appointment, a year shall be interpreted as meaning 9 months; for those on a 12-month appointment, as 12 months.

It was moved by S.W. Sundeen, seconded by D.H. Morgan, and passed by voice vote without dissent that the above changes in sabbatical leave policy be approved so that the sabbatical leave policy would now read as set forth. (Abstracted from Board of Control minutes -- June 7, 1968).


A discussion followed the presentation of this report. Price asked for a statement from the Sabbatical Leave Committee that would explain why the proposal was reserved for academic faculty and not research faculty. Kennedy asked the chair to recognize a guest, Professor Duane Thayer so that he could present the following comments on the Sabbatical Leave Program:


Comments on Present Sabbatical Leave Policy
11 October 1968
by D.M. Thayer

  1. Applicant should be provided with a copy of the committee's reasons for rejection and the numerical vote of the committee.
  2. At present the applicant has no appeal procedure. He can only make a reapplication to the same committee. This, I believe, is a very unfair process.
  3. The applicant does not, at the present time, have the opportunity to make an oral presentation to the committee.
  4. The committee, at the present time, is making policy and setting precedent. If this is the case, the committee should issue a list of reasons for which they would consider approving sabbatical leave. Why waste the time of the applicant?
  5. The committee has, at the present time, taken a dim view of applicants desiring to pursue advanced studies. I find this rather incongruous. The university has had the policy of placing a premium on obtaining personnel with advanced and/or terminal degrees. This being the case, it would seem to be to the advantage of the university and the applicant to grant sabbatical leave for advanced study.

    (Reference: Program for Sabbatical Leave at MTU, Section IV B above. Reference 258-9 minutes)


  1. Academic Rank and General Faculty Definition

President Smith reported the actions of the Board of Control as follows from their June 7, 1968 minutes.

The policy on academic rank was set forth with the statement that this had been submitted to the President by the Senate of the University, and the President recommended its approval by the Board (Academic Rank Policy appears in Senate Minutes #34, pages 300-301).

The policy was approved by the Board of Control by voice vote with no dissent on June 7, 1968.

The following definition of the general faculty was submitted as a recommendation of the University Senate, approved by the President, and recommended to the Board of Control on June 7, 1968.


General Faculty Definition

Whereas the definition of "General Faculty" is often required in communications and procedures, and

Whereas there does not now exist such a definition,

The Senate of the Michigan Technological University recommends the following statements as definitive of the term "General Faculty":

Section I. The General Faculty of the University shall be considered the members of the Academic, the Administrative, and the Operational Faculties.

Section II. Interpretive Terms used within the Statement

  1. "Member" of a faculty of this University shall be assigned by the President of the University to his respective Faculty according to his qualifications and conditions of employment.
  2. "Learned Professions" shall mean these professions (or members thereof) skilled in a calling or vocation requiring advanced knowledge as evidenced by a "Bachelor" degree from a recognized College or University.
  3. "Engaged in teaching" shall be interpreted to mean that the person is to teach during each academic quarter of the normal academic year that he is in residence.
  4. "Appointed by the Dean of Graduate Students" shall imply appointment to the Graduate Faculty as defined by the Graduate Council. This is limited to those with advanced degrees or equivalent experience, as well as interest and experience in research or teaching on the Graduate level.
  5. "Equivalent experience" shall be determined by the President of the University.

Section III. The General Faculty of the University

A. The Academic Faculty shall consist of the Undergraduate, Graduate and Research Faculties.

  1. The Undergraduate Faculty shall consist of the members of the learned professions who are engaged in teaching for a degree in one of the learned professions and/or the direct supervision thereof.
  2. The Graduate Faculty shall consist of members of the Academic Faculty who have been appointed by the Dean of the Graduate Studies (or equivalent position) in the University.
  3. The Research Faculty shall consist of the members of the learned professions who are engaged primarily in conducting research and/or the direct supervision thereof.

B. The Administrative Faculty shall consist of members of the University engaged in the determination of the educational policies of the University. They shall be members of the learned professions or possessors of equivalent experience and appointed by the Board of Control of the University.

C. The Operational Faculty shall consist of members of the learned professions or possessors of equivalent experience who are engaged in administrating the business and other operational activities of the University.

Section IV. Membership on the Faculty

  1. A faculty member may qualify for one or more of the above defined faculties.
  2. All line administrative officials shall be considered members of that faculty.
    a. As example: President, Vice President, Dean, Department Head, and Instructor of the Academic Undergraduate Faculty
    b. As example: Vice President of Research (if any) would not be a member of the Academic Undergraduate Faculty
  3. Administrative Officers shall be members of the Administrative Faculty whether or not they are also members of other Faculties.
    a. As example: President, Vice-President, Dean of the Academic Undergraduate Faculty, Department Head
    b. As example: Dean of Students, Registrar (if engaged in determining educational policies)
  4. Members of the professional Library staff shall be considered members of the Academic Undergraduate Faculty.
  5. Administrative officers whose duties do not include administration of educational policies shall be included in the Operational Faculty
    a. As example: The Controller, Treasurer, Directors
    b. As example: The Registrar (if not engaged in determining educational policy)

It was moved by S.W. Sundeen, seconded by J.J. Fenlon, and passed by voice vote without dissent that the above definition of the general faculty be approved.

President Bredekamp presented a graphical representation of the Faculty Definitions. This illustration is contained in Appendix B of these minutes (Available by request from the Senate Office).

Discussion followed:

Sachs: Where are public services placed in the organizational structure?

Bredekamp: Under Operational Faculty.

Sachs: Some of the Public Service courses are taken for credit.

Stebbins: Confirmed that some Public Service courses are taken for credit.

Price: In view of the placement of Research Faculty under the Academic Faculty, there would be no hindrance to Research Faculty receiving a sabbatical leave.


New Business

A. Report from Curriculum Policy Committee, W.L. Freyberger responded for L.A. Heldt and indicated that a report would be forthcoming.

B. Instructional Policy Committee, G.P. Krueger responded for D.W. Pollock and indicated that the committee had not met since the last Senate meeting.

C. Grievance Committee Procedure, R.O. Keeling submitted the following proposal to the Senate:

Senate Proposal 1-69

Proposal to the Senate of Michigan Technological University

An Ombudsman committee shall be formed by the Senate of Michigan Technological University


The duties of the committee shall be:

  1. Upon request, to informally inquire into any problem, dispute or grievance arising in connection with the employment of a faculty member.
  2. To attempt informal conciliation and effect an adjustment if possible.
  3. Failing informal conciliation, to formally hear arguments and recommend solutions to the parties involved.
  4. To complement and cooperate with the University Tenure Committee in those cases which eventually reach its jurisdiction.


The committee shall establish its own rules and procedures but should be guided in its activities by University regulations such as those set forth in the Faculty Handbook and by the statements on academic due process of the American Association of University Professors.


The committee shall consist of five members chosen as follows:

  1. One selected by the Senate
  2. One appointed by the President of the University
  3. Three members elected from and by the Faculty.


The appointed members shall serve two-year staggered terms. The elected members shall serve three-year staggered terms. Details of handling appointments and elections to the committee shall be the duty of the Council of the Senate.

Ad Hoc Committee to Study Grievance Procedures: R.O. Keeling, Chairman, A.D. Kennedy, R.G. Mason

R.O. Keeling moved to adopt the proposal. The motion was supported by D.H. Kenny. A discussion followed in which several points of legality were raised. President Smith offered to counsel the committee on some questions such as grievance procedures. Bredekamp suggested that the committee reconsider the proposal and return with their deliberations at the next meeting of the Senate. This recommendation to table the proposal was approved by voice vote.


D. Meeting Dates

The following list of meeting dates was considered:

Fall Term 1968             November 6 (Wed.)
Winter Term 1969        January 22 and February 19 (Wed.)
Spring Term 1969        April 16 and May 14 (Wed.)

A discussion followed which prompted President Bredekamp to request objections to these dates in writing so that they may be reviewed. The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 6, 1968.


E. Other New Business

  1. Price suggested that the Senate give consideration to Halkola's comments and suggestions on Senate operation as presented in the Senate Minutes of Meeting No. 40. He reminded the Senate also that the Senate is obligated to report annually to the Faculty.
  2. President Bredekamp appointed an ad hoc committee Resolutions Committee consisting of the following members:
    D. T. Halkola, Chairman
    O.D. Boutilier
    G.E. Bahrman
  3. W.L. Freyberger inquired of President Smith whether the Administration plans to issue a policy statement regarding student unrest and grievances. President Smith replied that such a statement was under consideration.
  4. Barstow moved to formally commend the 1967-68 Senate Officers for their outstanding efforts. A rising vote of thanks was offered in support of this motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


G.P. Krueger
Senate Secretary